Sneinton Market, Nottingham NG1 1DW
It's been a long winter, but soon the world will be coming alive. Flowers will blossom. The cracks in the pavement will be filling up with green. And artists, witches, and crafters will emerge from their winter hideaways with new magic to share!
Come visit us in Sneinton Market to see what they're making for you.
By MinorOak, Pagan Pride, and the Sneinton Market Tenants Association. This is an avenue-wide market (one of the big ones).
Traders: there's still room for more. Please fill out this form on the link below:
Sneinton Market, Nottingham NG1 1DW
Celebrate the coming of the dark, contemplative half of the year and the thinning of the veil.
We're organising this year's market in cooperation with Pagan Pride, so we'll have more going on than ever before: more music, more talks, more things to do!
Traders include both old favourites and exciting new people - and the magical things they've made!
By MinorOak, Pagan Pride, and the Sneinton Market Tenants Association. This is an avenue-wide market (one of the big ones).
Watch this space for music, dancing, and more.
This event will be free and open-gates, as always.
Traders: there's still room for more. Please fill out this form on the link below: