Founded 15th January 2012, Bodmin Moot, is for People of all beliefs to meet in the real world, to exchange views, hold events and learn from each other.
Facebook PageOn the 1st Tuesday of the Month in the Conference Room of the Parkhouse Centre, Bude, doors open 7pm for a 7.30pm start
Meetings are open to all interested in Paganism, and are part talk/ceremony and part social.
All are welcome who come with an open heart and an open mind.
If a subject interests you, please do come along.
A £3.50p donation per person is requested please to cover room hire and refreshments supplied.
The moot is a friendly, community group
| Pagan Village pageKord Bucca (Cornish, Clan Bucca) is a body of Craft initiates arising from Ros an Bucca (Circle of the Bucca); a Craft circle rooted in the far West of Cornwall yet possessed of mixed traditional, Old Craft and Gardnerian lineage streams alongside inherited traditions of Essex and Devonshire cunning Craft. Openings for sincere aspirants seeking guidance upon the Way. Fully inclusive.
Updated 12/8/24